If you are looking for OHSU Hospital formulary information, you can use Lexicomp Onlineto see this information. Lexicomp does not have an "OHSU Formulary" tab or page where you can browse the entries in the formulary; however, if you search on a drug name, and it is in the OHSU Hospital Formulary, you will see an entry at the top of the results titled "Oregon Health and Science University Hospital" with a link to the drug name.
Please see the screenshot below for a propranolol search result showing the formulary link.
If a drug is not included in the OHSU Hospital Formulary, your search will still have an "Oregon Health and Science University Hospital" entry at the top, but with a "No occurrences" notation beneath it. Please see the screenshot below for a byetta search result showing the lack of an entry for this drug.