Answered By: Marijane White
Last Updated: Aug 05, 2024     Views: 103

We have so-called "read & publish" agreements that cover the article processing charges (APC) for the following publishers:

Cambridge University Press

  • Includes approximately 400 journals
  • Agreement covers publications submitted between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2026
  • Provides fee-free open access publishing for OHSU corresponding authors in journals with an open access publishing option
  • Learn more at the publisher's website

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

  • Includes the following journals:
    • Genes & Development
    • Genome Research
    • RNA
    • Learning & Memory
    • Molecular Case Studies
  • Agreement covers publications submitted between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024
    • Note: this benefit may end before December 31, 2024 if the total cost of subsidized APCs meets our institutional limit of $16,800
  • Provides fee-free open access publishing for OHSU corresponding authors

Company of Biologists

  • Includes the following journals:
    • Development
    • Journal of Experimental Biology
    • Journal of Cell Science
    • Disease Models & Mechanisms
    • Biology Open
  • Agreement covers publications submitted between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024
  • Provides fee-free open access publishing for OHSU corresponding authors
  • Learn more at the publisher's website

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

  • Unlimited fee-free OA publishing for all OHSU corresponding authors
  • Includes ACM's entire catalog of magazines, conference proceedings, and journals
  • Default CC-BY author rights on all accepted research articles.
  • Agreement in effect January 1, 2024-December 31, 2026

Other Open Access Publishing Options

Inquire with Your Department
  • The Library recommends reaching out to your department, as some do have policies to cover some APCs, for example, we are aware of at least one department that will cover APCs for journals that are currently indexed in MEDLINE
Green OA (aka Self-Archiving)
  • When a publishing agreement or other publishing fee support isn't available, the Library recommends targeting journals that have self-archiving policies, also known as "Green Open Access", over paying APCs
  • These policies permit authors to place a pre-publication copy of their manuscripts online at places like a personal homepage or an institutional repository such as the OHSU Digital Collections
  • Use the Sherpa Romeo database to look up self-archiving policies for specific journals or publishers or ask the library for assistance identifying publishers with such policies
  • Use the How can I share it? tool to learn how you can share and self-archive the work you've already published
  • Consult our Digital Collections Guide for more information about depositing your work in the OHSU Digital Collections
Diamond OA

Get help from the Library

For more information, or general questions about how the Library can support open access publishing or finding the right home for your manuscripts, please contact us.

Comments (3)

  1. This answer was edited to note that some OHSU departments may have policies about covering APCs.
    by Marijane White on Dec 21, 2023
  2. This answer was updated to reflect new dates for the agreement with Cambridge and to add information about a new agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery.
    by Marijane White on Feb 14, 2024
  3. This answer was updated to add information about self-archiving/Green OA and Diamond OA publishing options.
    by Marijane White on Aug 05, 2024

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